Thursday, October 13, 2005


This literally has me in tears.

Read this from John at AmericaBlog, posted earlier today:

I just got a really touching email from the father of a Georgetown Law student, Jan Stransky, who was murdered in 1987 (I went to Gtown law with him - I knew him, but not well).The family is holding a ceremony at the Princeton University Museum to honor Jan and to formally receive a Toulouse Lautrec lithograph which was left to the Princeton Museum by Jan's maternal grandmother, Jane Koven when she died earlier this year.They're trying to locate Linda Reily (her maiden name, no idea if she's married now), a good friend and classmate of Jan's, to invite her to the event. I just figured I'd use the blog to get the word out if by chance anyone knows any Lindas who went to Gtown law in the late 1980s. If you do, see if this is the same Linda, and if it is, have her email me.Thanks guys, JOHN

I saw this at work, thought nothing of it other than it was a nice gesture, promptly went home and got drunk. Per usual. Then, right as my kitty Hazy fell asleep in my lap and I was ready to retire, I read this next post:

I had posted earlier today about being contacted by the father of a Georgetown Law student murdered in 1987. The father was planning a memorial for his son at Princeton (they're dedicating a Lautrec piece to the school in his name) and he was trying to find a young woman who was friends with his son, so he could invite her to the memorial. Thanks to one of you, we found her - I just spoke with her on the phone, and she was very touched. She told me that they weren't just friends, they were dating for about a year when he was killed. All the more reason I'm glad we were able to put her in touch with the father. You guys came through, thank you. JOHN

Anything I could say would be lame. I love AmericaBlog.


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