Tuesday, October 18, 2005


With so much shit hitting the Republican fan, the Downing Street Memo has kind of fallen to the wayside. Well, here comes another one.

The big question here is: how much push will this memo have? The first leaked docs outlined what many "terrorist-loving liberals" had been saying all along - that the war was planned and the administration was fixing its story and facts accordingly. Not that long after the Times reported it, DeLay took center stage and the story lost its luster (which is probably 100% attributable to the American attention span).

This one, however, carries much more heft. Whereas the first memo confirmed largely what many people had been reporting regarding Irag unto itself, this memo substantiates a much larger conspiracy (for lack of a better word). By drawing North Korea, Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia into the fishing net, it provides concrete evidence (if proven not to be a false document) of the Bush administration's hell-bent desire to establish the United States of Arabia, complete with McDonald's and oil pipeline money going straight into American bank accounts. What is interesting to note is the fact that Pakistan and the Saudis have been working with us in this war, and can be counted as allies, yet while their assistance and support would be crucially necessary going forward, they were already short-listed to be taken care of.

Looks like we need to go on another p.r. offensive...or just stop BEING offensive.


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