1 Year Anniversary
This weekend marks our 1st anniversary of marriage. Though The Old Lady and I have been together almost 8 years now (!), this is by far the sweetest and most important anniversary we've had. And yes, flowers are en route.
The year has flown by so quickly it seems unreal that a mere 12 months ago I was driving up to Fort Bragg with Paul, both of us hungover in epic proportions. Being someone who previously had completely shunned marriage (my father's advice to me growing up: "Never get married, never have kids. Trust me."), I find myself more in love with The Wife every day, which I never thought possible. To say I'm lucky to have found my soulmate and be married to my best friend would be a total understatement - I've basically won the emotional lottery. There's nothing I cannae do or get through with her there by my side.
We've got a 4-day weekend together and I couldn't be any more chuffed to have my baby all to myself for that time. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you next week.