Friday, September 29, 2006

1 Year Anniversary

This weekend marks our 1st anniversary of marriage. Though The Old Lady and I have been together almost 8 years now (!), this is by far the sweetest and most important anniversary we've had. And yes, flowers are en route.

The year has flown by so quickly it seems unreal that a mere 12 months ago I was driving up to Fort Bragg with Paul, both of us hungover in epic proportions. Being someone who previously had completely shunned marriage (my father's advice to me growing up: "Never get married, never have kids. Trust me."), I find myself more in love with The Wife every day, which I never thought possible. To say I'm lucky to have found my soulmate and be married to my best friend would be a total understatement - I've basically won the emotional lottery. There's nothing I cannae do or get through with her there by my side.

We've got a 4-day weekend together and I couldn't be any more chuffed to have my baby all to myself for that time. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you next week.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tis The Season For Bronchitis


The Old Lady and I have been sick for a week. Damn near everyone we know is sick. And lucky me, being seasonally asthmatic, I've come down with bronchitis. I hope you are all taking yer vitamins and have a stockpile of soup.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Workin' All The Live Long Day

I'm training a new employee this week, so I've not been visiting much. I promise to return next week completely partied out with stories to tell.

Lovefest SF is this weekend. Ambient Mafia party that night. Well wicked.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

This Is TOO Much

This is really tripping me out right now.

UPDATE: Okay, this is tripping me out even more.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Okay, I've Stopped Crying Over The Zombies

Cos next week a veritable POSSE of us are going to see:

Who is supposed to feature:

And opening the show is:

So I guess things have been worse.

Oh yeah: me and my crew The Ambient Mafia are gonna tear this fucking gig UP. Miss at yer own peril.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006



Seriously. The fucking ZOMBIES. It's $20 and I am sooooo fucking skint right now after moving it's not even funny. I think I am gonna cry. No, I take that back - I KNOW I'm gonna cry. In fact, I'm gonna go do it right fucking now. Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick...The Zombies...FUCK.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Like 3 Day Weekends

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Cos I didn't.

Moving SUCKS, even when it's right next door. I spent the majority of the weekend going through boxes and bags in our new garage/practise space/recording studio. It has become painfully apparent that The Old Lady still loves holding on to EVERY SINGLE CATALOGUE she's ever been sent. However, it's about 80% done and looking pretty freakin' cool. The huge white sheet for the slide projector is the piece de resistance, though - looking at an enormous Audrey Hepburn projection when yer practising is nothing short of inspirational.

And thanks to the 3Bulls! post from last week, I saw the video for and heard M. Ward's "Chinese Translation" for the very first time. To say it blew my mind would be an understatement. I immediately ran to Mod Lang and bought the album (BTW - Mod Lang is now about 5 blocks from my house, which is great for my ears and bad for my wallet) and couldn't be more pleased. I highly recommend it.

Friday, September 01, 2006


I am off at 2.30p today. And you are not.

It is a damn shame, because I will be drinking and smoking and you won't be there.

More for me, I guess.

This has been a Public Service Announcement.

I like this picture: