I Guess I Just Wasn't Made For These Times
Hello again.
To quote one of my favorite songs of the 70s, "Well, I've been one poor correspondent...I've been too, too hard to find, but it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind".
Truth is, I've been under incredible mental strain. Hope Chest is doing very well and LOTS of things are happening: we're very close to getting a couple of major breaks, we're touring the U.K. in May, we've a bunch of talented new members...and everything is on my shoulders. I'm the one creating the possibilities and since it's my band, I must see them through or the "what if?" blame falls squarely on me. All of this has been building for months and when coupled with regular things in life getting in the way, it all lead to a pretty solid mental breakdown last night. All the incredibly sordid details are a bit much, so we'll just say that:
1. Every emotion was experienced to its fullest
2. Beer bottles bounce off of walls surprisingly well
3. I learned how to tie a noose
4. Cats just KNOW shit
This morning I woke up completely lost. No idea of what to do with myself. Having just read bios of Brian Wilson and Syd Barrett was doing me no fucking favors. Though I've been away, I'd kept up with my favorite blogs just lurking up til Thanksgiving when the strain was starting to get to be too much. Today I felt I needed some good company and went 'round the blogs again to find the incredible, surreal, mind-boggling Tucker Carlson / Chuckles saga. To say this brought me out of my mental coma would be an understatement: I haven't laughed that hard in MONTHS. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard and it happened to Chuckles The Toilet Destroyer, of all people.
You never know who your friends are until you need them. And this morning I found out how much I really needed my friends. You gave me the shot in the arm I needed and wasn't sure how to find, and for that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Here's a link to my new demo. I hope you enjoy it. You'll have to cut-&-paste cos Blogger ain't digging links right now: http://www.yousendit.com/download/EsgNFt9nkY95TA%3D%3D
The linky no worky. Congratulations on the good stuff that's happening, blah blah etc. now fix the link so I can tell if the new stuff sucks or not.
and oh, my, god isn't Tucker Carlson a total toolbag?
pop, that really is good.
thanks mdhatter!
HE LIVES!!! Yes, the campaign to destroy the Tuckwad continues apace. It's nice to see you haven't hanged yourself -- at least wait til I can make it over with my camera phone and entourage of Shi'ite hecklers...
Anyway, what happened to the Hope Chest page on the Pop Renaissance page???
Sweetheart, the AG has missed you!! Especially since AG was in NoCA over the holidays and she got no lovin' from you or teh teh!
Congrats on all the good stuff.
And AG lied when she talked about you over at 3B! this week-- you were supposed to bake cookies! Dammit. You are in sooo deep with AG.
Pop, the song sounds terrific. I love the combination of piano chords and wordless voice. Great stuff. Good luck with the the band stuff and touring.
Congratulations on your band stuff! That is rad!
I will try not to destroy any toilets, but I will be in SF in a couple weeks for a whistle stop tour!
I am giving you a monkey hug right now in my mind. If you ever need anything PLEASE let me know. All will be right with the universe and remember you do what you do because it is your passion, not to exploit possible opportunities/become a robot. You are the best.
I'm in ur blog picking up ur good vibrations!
Are you still playing tonight at Hotel Utah? I will be there if it is going on...
we are indeed! we have never taken on a gig like this - we're only playing one original tonight. the rest of our set is all 60s psych-pop tunes. it's been one HELL of an undertaking.
(damn blogger cut me off - why is blogger so bad lately?!)
and thank you, everyone, for your kind words. they are truly balm for the soul at the moment. tis a rough patch at the moment but hopefully, as the man said, "all this too shall pass."
Alright, I'll be there and I'll see if I can't get anybody else to come!
Sounds like it should be a good time.
if good art comes from the bad life, does that mean bad art comes from the good life?
Man, AG wants to go to Hotel Utah and be sandwiched by Pop and Fulliecakes.
Why does geography hate AG?!
geography hates AIF too.
hey pop, you're crossing the pond, why not make it all the way over to india???
By the way, Chuckles the Toilet Destroyer is my new favorite name for me.
mine too.
Hi sweetie, I was worried about you when you went away for so long. It sounds like things are hectic but, overall, moving in the right direction.
And everyone deserves a breakdown every now and again. Everyone.
Ooh snap. Chevron's gonna blow. Hope you're indoors today...
WHAT?! what the fuck are you talking about??? i'm home today and not far at all.
okay, just found out (via a san diego news source - WTF?) it was snuffed out this morning. jesus. chevron's held together with paper clips and masking tape. were you living out here teh when you'd find flakes of ash on yer lawn and cars the next morning from a chevron fire?
Oh yes. And the smells. The smells!
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